jj ccr Rebreather package

Always wanted to own your own Rebreather? Take advantage of our JJ CCR Rebreather package including your first level of training (either 30m Air Diluent no decompression or 40m Air Diluent with Decompression) If you would like to upgrade to Helitrox there is a €200 surcharge.
Please note this offer is only available in Malta and the Rebreather must be delivered to 7R Diving. You will be allowed to take it with you once certified.
Minimum of 18 years old
Provide proof of 50 logged open water dives (If completing a crossover provide proof of 10 logged ccr dives in the last 12 months)
Provide proof of Advanced nitrox diver and deco procedures diver or equivalent
Purchase a JJ CCR
To book this experience, or to find out more information, Please click the link below to register your details. We will email back shortly.